Before submitting a Support Request, check these settings:

Try these Android troubleshooting tips:

Update UNC Check-In app to the latest version available on the Google Play Store

Open Settings Menu

  1. Tap Network & internet
  2. Turn Wi-Fi on. Connect to Eduroam. (How to Connect to Eduroam) .
  3. Turn off Airplane Mode.
  4. If you see Bluetooth options here, turn Bluetooth on.

From Settings Menu, tap Connected devices
  1. Look for Bluetooth menu here: verify it is on.
    (newer phones may not have this option)

Open Quick Settings (swipe down from top of phone).

  1. Verify that Bluetooth is on.
    (Bluetooth options may be on the 2nd screen)
  2. Confirm that Wi-Fi is on (in color).
  3. Confirm Airplane Mode is off.

Restart your phone

Did this resolve your problem?

help If you are still having connection issues, please submit a Support Request.